Raising Your Kids to Love Music

I grew up listening to 45's and LP's. Whatever my parents were listening to, I listened to. They listened to every kind of music so I quickly became a music nut. Always have been...

Always will be.

Aside from being in the school chorus and a band geek throughout middle and high school, I listened to anything. 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's (STILL my JAM!), 90's, 2000's and on up. Gospel, Classical, Rock, Country, Pop, Contemporary Christian, Jazz, Blues, Folk, Electronic, Soul, Reggae, House Music, Musical Theatre, Disco, Instrumental, Techno, Swing, Orchestra, Latin, Indie Rock, Drum/Percussion, K-Pop, African... there are soooo many genres of music! I don't listen to songs that are vulgar and go against what I believe as a Christ Follower. And the only genres I'm really not fond of are Rap (that isn't Old School Rap) and Heavy Metal (that isn't Traditional Heavy Metal). I ALSO listen to Filipino Music because my husband is from the Philippines! So yes... I. Love. Music.

When we had our boys... Ian/28, Jacob/24, Owen/20... they started listening to music immediately. There was always music playing, and, thankfully, they all love music now too. All kinds. It's really funny when I get in the car with one of them and they have something pre-1980's playing. lol

There are people that have never heard Hey Jude by The Beatles or Hotel California by the Eagles. They've never heard of The Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin or  Elton John or Billy Joel or Garth Brooks or Ray Charles or Simon & Garfunkel or George Jones or Bob Dylan or Johnny Cash or Stevie Wonder or Nina Simone or Neil Diamond or Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Nat King Cole, The Kingsmen or The Imperials, Woody Guthrie or Joni Mitchell, Bob Marley, Gary Clark, Jr. There are so many musicians, past AND present, that will never be heard by kids these days. Wonderful musicians that made music what it is today.

Like Ray Charles. Do you know who he is and what an IMPACT he had on this world? Give me a bit and I'll tell ya.

For now, watch this.

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