Water Not Coffee

We often hear ‘water is life’ when we talk about health. It’s true…your body is 72% water.

So today….I drink water.

I recently had a cardiology checkup for a stress test. I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse about 6 years ago so this check up is a normal visit for me. One of the things he told me was that it’s important to drink water as soon as I wake up.

Gross. That’s the first word that came to mind.

Since that appointment, I have started drinking at least 16 ounces of water before I do anything else, and I honestly think it’s changed my life.

Here are some things he told me and other things I got from the sites listed at the bottom.

~After a full nights sleep, my body is dehydrated. (I immediately started thinking about what happens when I forgo the water and head straight to the coffee pot, which most of us do.) He said even if my body isn’t telling me it’s thirsty, it probably is.

~Water helps my heart pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles more easily, therefore making my muscles work more efficiently throughout the day.

~Water gets my metabolism going. And really, who doesn’t need that? Drinking an 8oz (or larger) glass of water when you wake up has proven to rev up your metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes.

~You can feel fatigued if your brain isn’t getting the proper amount of water. Did you know your brain
tissue is 75% water!? He said that could also be why I’ve been moody and drained. Here are some brain facts.

~You eat less. Woop woop! Now we’re talking. I sooooo struggle with food. He said if I drink water before I eat, it fills my stomach with zero calories and I’ll feel full faster.

~Water will help flush out the toxins in my body through my kidneys better if I’m drinking enough water. This I HAD to listen to because my body is prone to kidney stones. Seriously…it’s a pain. We’ll talk about that horror movie in another post.

“If you’re well hydrated, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard,” said John Batson, M.D, a sports medicine physician with Lowcountry Spine & Sport in Hilton Head Island, S.C., and an American Heart Association volunteer.

American Heart Association

Here are some great heart health stories at I am ProHeart.

Here’s a blog I have fallen in love with, My Heart Sisters….and here’s my favorite post that I’ve read so far.



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