Coffee with Katy. Again.

I posted this back in July of last year, but I thought since it’s summertime we should post it again. Who doesn’t like a cold iced coffee? Enjoy! Again!

Working in Nashville brings particular habits and tendencies: battling the escape game that is traffic, fighting for a parking spot, and fueling via coffee. As Dunkin’ Donuts is a convenient neighbor to my work, my presence was found in their lobby every morning. My addiction to iced coffee was sparked and fueled… just as quickly as my bank account was smothered. Scoring the internet for a home recipe that would save some money, I happened upon this glorious concoction that does take some time… but proves its worth!! Try it for yourself!

1 lb of ground coffee: your choice!
1 gallon of drinking water
one 12 oz can of evaporated milk
one 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk

Place the coffee grounds in a large bowl or pitcher, then pour the water over the grounds. Gently stir to ensure all the coffee grounds are saturated. Cover and leave for at least 12 hours (I left mine overnight).

*Iced coffee is best when brewed cold.

Strain the coffee. (To do this, place several coffee filters OR paper towels in a strainer, then place the strainer on top of a clean pitcher.)

After your coffee is fully strained, it should keep in the fridge for a month! (Although, mine rarely makes it that long)

Mix both cans together and refrigerate.

To prepare your iced coffee, fill a glass with ice, pour coffee, then creamer, and mix! You’ll find what ratio of each suits you best. You may also add flavored syrup or coffee creamer to spice things up.

Recipe and photos from:
Frugal Girls &
Pioneer Woman
Original Post





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